Conditioning oil made with almond oil, apricot oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, and vitamin E oil.
Hair, Nail & Body Oil
8-ounce bottle of conditioning oil made with almond oil, apricot oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, and vitamin E oil.
Hair: Apply to scalp and massage gently or apply directly to hair as a leave-in conditioner.
Body: Apply after shower to seal in moisture.
Nails: Massage a generous amount into nails & cuticles for 5 minutes or so to improve dry brittle nails & cuticles. Repeat for 14 days.
Beard: Massage oil into beard. Comb beard with a beard comb. Combing will smooth the hair and encourage it to grow and lay in one direction.
Note: Beard hair is typically quite coarse; therefore, men often experience itchiness and ingrown hairs on the delicate facial skin underneath. A full beard also makes it difficult to access the skin so common skin problems like dryness, acne, or inflammation can be compounded. So keep your breard clean and conditioned.
Shipping takes 3-5 days